How To Choose The Perfect Profile Photo
By Dave Smith
If you haven’t already got a photo on your profile then upload one as soon as you can as this will dramatically increase the number of visitors to your page.
Your profile photo is the first impression that other members get of you, and with online dating first impressions count a lot. Within just a few seconds most viewers of your profile will decide whether or not you are a potential date or not based on your profile photos.
Use A Clear Photo
For your main profile pic try and take the best quality photo you can. Just focus on your face and make sure you are smiling and try not to include other people or animals as this pic is just about you. If you are taking a selfie try and hold your phone/ camera as far away from you as posssible as this will give you a better photo. If you are using a smart phone try using the reverse camera instead of the front facing one as this will almost always have a higher spec and produce a better photo for you.
Keep It Recent
Make sure to take a recent pic otherwise you will only get dissapointment later on. You may have some cracking photos of you 10 or more years ago but thats no the person who you are now. You want someone you will like you for who you are now.
Take Some Action Shots
Add a few extra photos to your profile to compliment your main photo. Holiday pics, events and outdoor activites make great pics and show any interests you have to potential dates.
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